I saw the above exchange about CLAP, and thought it would be nice to have a thread that includes .dawproject format... so we can talk about those two if ... wanted...We pretty much rely on JUCE for our plugin hosting. We aren't a big enough team to implement it and support it ourself. That said, I did create a feature request for the JUCE team to support it and it is currently the highest rated feature request. They did LV2 and that's a pretty niche format. Short term, not hopeful, longer term maybe. It won't be in JUCE8, but maybe JUCE9.What are you guys feeling about CLAP support?
I'm not too excited either way (sheesh, MORE new plugins to get), but I understand there's a lot of mixed feelings about the future of VST2/3 and CLAP seems to be the way around the mess for developers. Anything you can share from Tracktion's viewpoint?
https://forum.juce.com/t/fr-support-cla ... ient/51860
I really hope Waveform 14 adds support for both CLAP and .dawproject.
Here are a few links about...
https://www.bitwig.com/stories/clap-the ... ndard-201/
And a few about .dawproject:
https://support.presonus.com/hc/en-us/a ... AW-Project
https://www.bitwig.com/support/technica ... t-faqs-62/
Statistics: Posted by dajonaga — Fri Apr 05, 2024 11:22 pm — Replies 0 — Views 3