Hello dear community,
I would like to give something back in this way.
For those who have the Behringer controller 'X Touch One', I have made a change to the controller template. The device now works with all of its buttons and the footswitch connection.
I followed the button labels for waveform that came with the controller.
Found as a PDF here:
https://mediadl.musictribe.com/download ... SHEETS.pdf
I only changed the 'MTC' and 'Clear Peaks' buttons and relabeled them for myself.
MTC -> allMuteClear
Clear Peaks -> allSoloClear
Footswitch -> toggles record/stop
The file must be saved in the 'User' directory of the controller templates. Then it will also be found in the settings under Control surfaces. The device must be in CChgRel mode.
Try it out. I hope it works just as well for you. I would be happy to receive positive feedback.
Save as 'Behringer X Touch One modified.js':
I would like to give something back in this way.
For those who have the Behringer controller 'X Touch One', I have made a change to the controller template. The device now works with all of its buttons and the footswitch connection.
I followed the button labels for waveform that came with the controller.
Found as a PDF here:
https://mediadl.musictribe.com/download ... SHEETS.pdf
I only changed the 'MTC' and 'Clear Peaks' buttons and relabeled them for myself.
MTC -> allMuteClear
Clear Peaks -> allSoloClear
Footswitch -> toggles record/stop
The file must be saved in the 'User' directory of the controller templates. Then it will also be found in the settings under Control surfaces. The device must be in CChgRel mode.
Try it out. I hope it works just as well for you. I would be happy to receive positive feedback.
Save as 'Behringer X Touch One modified.js':
/* Behringer X Touch One*/function pad (num, size) { num = num.toString(); while (num.length < size) num = " " + num; return num;}function zpad (num, size) { num = num.toString(); while (num.length < size) num = "0" + num; return num;}function sevenSeg (num) { if (num == "0") return 0x3f; if (num == "1") return 0x06; if (num == "2") return 0x5b; if (num == "3") return 0x4f; if (num == "4") return 0x66; if (num == "5") return 0x6d; if (num == "6") return 0x7d; if (num == "7") return 0x07; if (num == "8") return 0x7f; if (num == "9") return 0x6f; return 0;}function dataOut (msg) { var hex = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < msg.length; i++) { hex.push (msg[i].toString(16)); } logMsg ("<<<", hex);}function BehringerXTouchOne() { // Variables: these must be filled out so the session knows your controller layout this.deviceDescription = "Behringer X Touch One modified"; // device name this.needsMidiChannel = true; // send midi controller to daw this.needsMidiBackChannel = true; // send midi daw to controller this.midiChannelName = "X-Touch One"; // MIDI channel name this.midiBackChannelName = "X-Touch One"; // MIDI channel name this.numberOfFaderChannels = 1; // number physical faders this.allowBankingOffEnd = true; // allow surface to display blank channels this.numCharactersForTrackNames = 7; // number of characters to display for track names this.notes = "Press and hold stop while pressing encoder. Rotate encoder to 'CChgRel' and press encoder again"; this.followsTrackSelection = true; // controller track follows UI selection this.masterMode = false; this.nudgeMode = false; this.zoomMode = false; this.channelLevel = 0; this.masterLevel = 0; this.trackName = ""; this.trackDB = ""; this.masterDB = ""; this.initialise = function() { } this.initialiseDevice = function() { this.updateMiscFeatures(); this.updateDisplay ("Wave", " form"); } this.toggleMasterMode = function() { this.masterMode = ! this.masterMode; this.updateMiscFeatures(); changeFaderBanks (0); this.updateDisplay(); } this.toggleNudge = function() { this.nudgeMode = ! this.nudgeMode; this.updateMiscFeatures(); } this.toggleZoom = function() { this.zoomMode = ! this.zoomMode; this.updateMiscFeatures(); } this.updateMiscFeatures = function() { sendMidiToDevice ([0xb0, 0x02, this.masterMode ? 0x7f : 0x00]); sendMidiToDevice ([0xb0, 0x0e, this.nudgeMode ? 0x7f : 0x00]); sendMidiToDevice ([0xb0, 0x20, this.zoomMode ? 0x7f : 0x00]); } this.updateTime = function(txt) { var msg = [0xF0, 0x00, 0x20, 0x32, 0x41, 0x37]; msg.push (0x00); msg.push (0x00); for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { msg.push (sevenSeg (txt.charAt (i))); } msg.push (0x00); msg.push (0x00); msg.push (0xF7); sendMidiToDevice (msg); } this.onTimecodeChanged = function(barsOrHours, beatsOrMinutes, ticksOrSeconds, millisecs, isBarsBeats, isFrames) { var txt = ""; if (isBarsBeats) txt = pad(barsOrHours, 3) + pad(beatsOrMinutes, 2) + " " + pad(ticksOrSeconds, 3); else if (isFrames) txt = pad(barsOrHours, 3) + pad(beatsOrMinutes, 2) + pad(ticksOrSeconds, 2) + " " + zpad(millisecs, 2); else txt = pad(barsOrHours, 3) + pad(beatsOrMinutes, 2) + pad(ticksOrSeconds, 2) + zpad(millisecs, 3); while (txt.length < 10) txt += " "; this.updateTime (txt); } this.sendDisplay = function(line1, line2) { var msg = [0xF0, 0x00, 0x20, 0x32, 0x41, 0x4C, 0x00, 0x07]; for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if (i < line1.length) msg.push (line1.charCodeAt(i)); else msg.push (0x20); } for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if (i < line2.length) msg.push (line2.charCodeAt(i)); else msg.push (0x20); } msg.push (0xF7); sendMidiToDevice (msg); } this.updateDisplay = function() { if (this.masterMode) this.sendDisplay ("Master", this.masterDB); else this.sendDisplay (this.trackName, this.trackDB); } this.onFaderBankChanged = function(newStartChannelNumber, trackNames) { this.trackName = trackNames[0]; this.updateDisplay(); } // tells the device to move one of its faders. // the channel number is the physical channel on the device, regardless of bank selection // slider pos is 0 to 1.0 this.onMoveFader = function(channelNum, newSliderPos) { this.channelLevel = newSliderPos; if (! this.masterMode) { sendMidiToDevice ([0xb0, 0x46, Math.round (newSliderPos * 127)]); } var text = "-inf dB"; if (newSliderPos > 0.0) { var db = 20.0 * Math.log (newSliderPos) + 6.0; text = db.toFixed(1) + "dB"; } this.trackDB = text; this.updateDisplay(); } // tells the device to move the master faders, if it has them. If it just has one master // fader, it can use the average of these levels. // slider pos is 0 to 1.0 this.onMasterLevelFaderMoved = function(newSliderPos) { this.masterLevel = newSliderPos; if (this.masterMode) { sendMidiToDevice ([0xb0, 0x46, Math.round (this.masterLevel * 127)]); } var text = "-inf dB"; if (this.masterLevel > 0.0) { var db = 20.0 * Math.log (this.masterLevel) + 6.0; text = db.toFixed(1) + "dB"; } this.masterDB = text; this.updateDisplay(); } // when a track is selected or deselected this.onTrackSelectionChanged = function(channel, isSelected) { sendMidiToDevice ([0xb0, 0x03, isSelected ? 0x7f : 0x00]);// sendMidiToDevice ([0xb0, 0xb1, 0x01]); } this.onTrackRecordEnabled = function(channel, isEnabled) { sendMidiToDevice ([0xb0, 0x06, isEnabled ? 0x7f : 0x00]); } // tells the device to move a pan pot. // the channel number is the physical channel on the device, regardless of bank selection // pan is -1.0 to 1.0 this.onPanPotMoved = function(channelNum, newPan) { sendMidiToDevice ([0xb0, 0x50, Math.round ((newPan + 1) / 2 * 127)]); } // if the device has per-channel level meters, this should update one of them. // the channel number is the physical channel on the device, regardless of bank selection // level is 0 to 1.0 this.onChannelLevelChanged = function(channel, left, right) { var level = Math.max (left, right); if (level > 1.0) level = 1.0; if (level < 0.0) level = 0.0; sendMidiToDevice ([0xb0, 0x5a, Math.round (level * level * 127)]); } // the channel number is the physical channel on the device, regardless of bank selection // soloLit = 1, Track is explicitly soloed. // soloFlashing = 2, Track is implicitly soloed. // soloIsolate = 4, Track is explicitly solo isolated. // muteLit = 8, Track is explicitly muted. // muteFlashing = 16 Track is implicitly muted. this.onSoloMuteChanged = function(channelNum, muteAndSoloLightState, isBright) { var m = ((muteAndSoloLightState & (8 | 16)) != 0 ? 1 : 0); var s = ((muteAndSoloLightState & (1 | 2 | 4)) != 0 ? 1 : 0); sendMidiToDevice ([0xb0, 0x04, m ? 0x7f : 0x00]); sendMidiToDevice ([0xb0, 0x05, s ? 0x7f : 0x00]); } // tells the device that playback has stopped or started, and it should turn its lights on // accordingly. this.onPlayStateChanged = function(isPlaying) { sendMidiToDevice ([0xb0, 0x17, isPlaying ? 0x7f : 0x00]); sendMidiToDevice ([0xb0, 0x16, ! isPlaying ? 0x7f : 0x00]); } this.onRecordStateChanged = function(isRecording) { sendMidiToDevice ([0xb0, 0x18, isRecording ? 0x7f : 0x00]); } // tells the device about automation read/write status changing. this.onAutomationReadModeChanged = function(isReading) { sendMidiToDevice ([0xb0, 0x09, isReading ? 0x7f : 0x00]); } this.onAutomationWriteModeChanged = function(isWriting) { sendMidiToDevice ([0xb0, 0x0a, isWriting ? 0x7f : 0x00]); } // tells the device that looping has been turned on or off. this.onLoopChanged = function(isLoopOn) { sendMidiToDevice ([0xb0, 0x0d, isLoopOn ? 0x7f : 0x00]); } // tells the device that the click has been turned on or off. this.onClickChanged = function(isClickOn) { sendMidiToDevice ([0xb0, 0x0e, isClickOn ? 0x7f : 0x00]); } // tells the device that punch has been turned on or off. this.onPunchChanged = function(isPunching) { sendMidiToDevice ([0xb0, 0x0f, isPunching ? 0x7f : 0x00]); } // tells the device tah the Sanp has turned on or off. this.onSnapChanged = function(isSnapOn) { sendMidiToDevice ([0xb0, 0x10, isSnapOn ? 0x7f : 0x00]); } // tells the device that looping has been scroll on or off. this.onScrollChanged = function(isScroll) { sendMidiToDevice ([0xb0, 0x11, isScroll ? 0x7f : 0x00]); } this.onSoloCountChanged =function(anySoloTracks) { sendMidiToDevice ([0xb0, 0x13, anySoloTracks ? 0x7f : 0x00]); } // Called when a midi message comes in from the controller. You must // translate this and call methods in the session accordingly to // trigger whatever action the user is trying to do. this.onMidiReceivedFromDevice = function(d) { var d1 = d[0]; var d2 = d[1]; var d3 = d[2]; if (d1 == 0xb0) { if (d2 == 0x14) { rewind (d3 == 0x7f); } else if (d2 == 0x15) { fastForward (d3 == 0x7f); } else if (d2 == 0x58) { if (d3 == 0x41) { if (this.nudgeMode) nudgeRight(); else jogWheelMoved (1.0); } else { if (this.nudgeMode) nudgeLeft(); else jogWheelMoved (-1.0); } } else if (d2 == 0x46) { if (this.masterMode) setMasterLevelFader (d3 / 0x7f, false); else setFader (0, d3 / 0x7f, false); } else if (d2 == 0x50) { setPanPot (0, d3 == 0x41 ? 0.05 : -0.05, true); } // Buttons that only trigger on release if (d3 == 0x00) { //First Line of Buttons if (d2 == 0x01) toggleBeatsSecondsMode(); else if (d2 == 0x02) this.toggleMasterMode(); else if (d2 == 0x03) selectTrack (0); else if (d2 == 0x04) toggleMute (0, false); else if (d2 == 0x05) toggleSolo (0); else if (d2 == 0x06) toggleRecEnable (0, false); // Second Line of Buttons, particularly F1-F6 else if (d2 == 0x07) gotoPreviousMarker(); else if (d2 == 0x08) gotoNextMarker(); else if (d2 == 0x09) toggleAutomationReading(); else if (d2 == 0x0a) toggleAutomationWriting(); else if (d2 == 0x0b) undo(); else if (d2 == 0x0c) redo(); // Third Line else if (d2 == 0x0d) toggleLoop(); else if (d2 == 0x0e) toggleClick(); else if (d2 == 0x0f) togglePunch(); else if (d2 == 0x10) toggleSnap(); else if (d2 == 0x11) toggleScroll(); else if (d2 == 0x12) clearAllMute(); else if (d2 == 0x13) clearAllSolo(); // Transport else if (d2 == 0x16) stop(); else if (d2 == 0x17) play(); else if (d2 == 0x18) record(); // Fader Banks else if (d2 == 0x19) changeFaderBanks (-8); else if (d2 == 0x1a) changeFaderBanks (8); else if (d2 == 0x1b) changeFaderBanks (-1); else if (d2 == 0x1c) changeFaderBanks (1); // right next to the scroll wheel else if (d2 == 0x1d) createMarker(); // Zoom/Scroll else if (d2 == 0x20) this.toggleZoom(); else if (d2 == 0x1e) { // up if (this.zoomMode) zoomTracksIn(); else scrollTracksDown(); } else if (d2 == 0x22) { // down if (this.zoomMode) zoomTracksOut(); else scrollTracksUp(); } else if (d2 == 0x1f) { // left if (this.zoomMode) zoomOut(); else scrollTracksLeft(); } else if (d2 == 0x21) { // right if (this.zoomMode) zoomIn(); else scrollTracksRight(); } } // FootSwitch toogle record/stop // 0 - closed // 127 Hex: 7F if (d3 == 0x7f) { if (d2 == 0x40) { record(); } } } }}registerController (new BehringerXTouchOne());
Statistics: Posted by Matthi-w — Sun Jan 05, 2025 5:27 pm — Replies 0 — Views 22