Have tons of 16bit 44.1 samples recorded from VSTi output need to convert to 8bit 22.05 for a porpoise (S3M) yet everything out there applies a 'dither hiss' or 'noise shaper' that sounds terrible either way... So I am trying making fresh samples recording directly to 8bit & the only thing I have found so far as effect plug recorder that will do 8bit is SilverSpike TapeIt... Which will also dither if checked & sure enough sounds terrible but with off 8bit is kinda OK but there's still distortions around the tail (usually ALWAYS the low notes) if I carefully trim the release envelope I can usually cut it out but some sounds just cannot record clean & there's distortion that starts in the middle going on from there so has to be all deleted....
Any better way for conversion or generation?...
Any better way for conversion or generation?...
Statistics: Posted by eLawnMust — Sat Aug 17, 2024 5:03 pm — Replies 0 — Views 27