The database has different versions for Soul Squash on Mac and Windows.
Windows shows version 1.0.1.
Mac shows version 1.1.0.
The Mac version seems to be a typo. KSM tells me Soul Squash is out of date, but I've downloaded and reinstalled several times, and my version is still 1.0.1 on Mac (same as Windows.)
So I don't think version 1.1.0 exists. ... ne-empire/
The exact same issue seems to be happening with Wavesfactory Flash, too.
The database has version 1.0.2 for Windows, and 1.0.2a for Mac.
But after reinstalling the latest version on Mac, it is still showing as version 1.0.2, and as with Soul Squash, KSM is saying it is out of date.
Windows shows version 1.0.1.
Mac shows version 1.1.0.
The Mac version seems to be a typo. KSM tells me Soul Squash is out of date, but I've downloaded and reinstalled several times, and my version is still 1.0.1 on Mac (same as Windows.)
So I don't think version 1.1.0 exists. ... ne-empire/
The exact same issue seems to be happening with Wavesfactory Flash, too.
The database has version 1.0.2 for Windows, and 1.0.2a for Mac.
But after reinstalling the latest version on Mac, it is still showing as version 1.0.2, and as with Soul Squash, KSM is saying it is out of date.
Statistics: Posted by jamcat — Fri Jul 26, 2024 2:12 am — Replies 0 — Views 47