It's odd that the MVocoder plug-in ends in the .mll extension. I'm on day two trying to access other brands' VSTs on a trial version of Waveform13 which is 30 day trial, and FLStudio 21 has a six month trial period--unless they changed it--it's wild that I can't get my MIDI keyboard controller to work on the Waveform 13 software but I can only access the 808 "Drum machine" VST on FLStudio 21. By the way, my MIDI controller works with Music Maker 2024 as it was a full purchase not a trial period. Both DAWs won't launch the MVocoder from the list that I can these programs seem like they can "see" the plug-in but it won't launch. The trial versions of both maybe blocking the access. One thing for sure is, Music Maker 2024 ignored the file extension .mll come to think of it Cherry Audio may use the same tricky file extension. A year ago, I paid for the Cherry Audio mono synth and that bug won't work in Music Maker 2024. Any help would be greatly appreciated. A deep dive into my computing system MeldaProductions Audio Plugins 16 is there so I scroll down what happened to the MeldaProduction MVocoder plug in let me recall the Plug In manager 16th version had a recognizable file extension .exe whereas the MVocoder not so I saw this: .mll how does that launch for Windows OS maybe an older Mac laptop running X though not the latest Apple OS (released earlier in 2024) version maybe can have MVocoder launch and work with whatever DAW. Apparently, there is a trick to open the .mll it's possible Windows Store lacks the App to get this effect Plug-In integrated with any Windows running DAW.
Statistics: Posted by bonkers82 — Mon Jun 24, 2024 4:35 am — Replies 0 — Views 24